Death and New Life


What a beautiful day we had for the first BYGL diagnostic walk about of 2014 at Spring Grove Cemetery.


This is a very special place for many reasons, one of them is the dead. Many of the people who have been laid to rest here were those who played a part in shaping what Cincinnati is today.


Up until a year ago the Carew Tower was the largest structure in downtown Cincinnati. You will find the Galbraith’s here, Galbraith is also a major road in Cincinnati that runs East and West across the entire city. The who’s who of early Cincinnati can all be found here. Another thing that makes Spring Grove special is the fact the cemetery is home of 25 Ohio state champion trees, including a Yellow Buckeye with a diameter of 178 inches DBH, a height of 104 feet and a width of 77 feet.


The grounds of the Cemetery are a magnet for bridal photography, the views available here make for breathtaking backdrops for those special pictures.


Then there is the revival of life in the Spring of the year. There is no place better that I can think of to experience it than at Spring Grove Cemetery.
