Change is on the way


I guess this is kind of an announcement, even though I don’t have any date right now. I have been listening to podcasts for just about a year now, and find them very important in my life. I listen to Dave Ramsey, Michael Hyatt and several others. I have been able to use the content that they put out in my daily life. Then recently I started listening to podcasts about social media, and very recently about podcasting. This is something that I can do and share things in more detail than trying to write it. I find my brain moves a lot faster than my hands can get it down, and with this in mind I am working on putting together my first podcast. I hope to be able to share the things that I have been able learn over the years, but more important to me I want to learn more from those who have more experience than I do. I’m pretty excited to see where this might lead me on my journey within horticulture. My focus will be on hobby gardening in all of its aspects. I’m not going to go into much detail in this post, mainly because my first podcast will be an intro of who I am, and where I desire this podcast to go. So I am working on the recording, ironing out the detail, and understanding how all of this works. I hope to be able to announce the podcast schedule soon.


~ Michael