Aquaponics…a new journey for me

I have spent a vast amount of time reading books, online articles and watching videos about aquaponics. I’ve seen solid systems, and many system that were problematic to me. One of my favorites is barrelponics. I have actually built all of the components for the barrelponics system, but haven’t put them in motion. I have a concept that I want to experiment with that I could probably use a barrel half for, but I have always tried to maximize my space. Last year I purchased a 275 gallon IBC container for my system concept, but have done very little with it to date. I have finally been able to get all of the components in one place, I have more time available to me, and I have a stable environment to operate in. I am going to develop the layout and build the system over the next several weeks, which would be ideal. My plan is to document my ideas and the results as I progress on this journey . I believe in sharing ideas for the greater good of all, kind of the “don’t take it to the grave” philosophy. I will be operating under a creative commons license agreement, this will allow others to build off of my ideas if they like them, but not use them for retail or commercial profit. thank you for reading this post, please check back and follow my progress

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